King James's School

In Year 11?

Applications will be different this year so it is important that you plan carefully and meet all deadlines.

Key information 

There are big changes, this year, for Year 11's: 

Get Into website

Previously, Year 11's have used Get Into to apply for courses (apart from Greenhead College). The Get Into application website is now used by a small number of colleges. Students now have to make separate applications to different post 16 establishments.


What we will be doing to support you:

1. Year 11 students have completed a survey to find out where they would like to apply to.

2. Students, parents and carers will receive regular email updates:

  • general emails with key Post 16 updates.
  • specific emails relating to chosen paths.

3. Support sessions will be organised relating to chosen paths, for example, for those wanting to apply to Greenhead College and Huddersfield New College. 

4. Other events will be taking place in school, for example: 

  • Aspirations Fair in September 2024
  • Mock interviews in December 2024
  • Business Breakfast for students interested in apprenticeships in January 2025.


Key dates for October 2024

Key dates for Autumn term 2024

Key questions

Who can I talk to about my next steps?

Flora is our C+K Careers advisor and is based in the Careers office at the end of the Humanities corridor. You can email her on: if you want to arrange a meeting with her.

Other staff you can speak to are:

  • Ms Haworth - Year 11 Pastoral leader
  • Mrs Terry - Assistant Principal

who can help you arrange to meet with Flora.

How many colleges can I apply to?

You can apply to as many colleges as you want to, but remember that you have to apply to the majority of colleges separately.

Do your research, attend open events and speak to Flora so that you can spend time producing a quality application for the courses you are really interested in.

What if I don't want to study A-Levels when I leave KJS?

Your priority is to speak to Flora so that you can explore the different options that are available to you such as, apprenticeships, T-Levels and so on.

You can explore the KJS website to find out more: KJS - careers-updates

You can also contact C+K Careers direct if your question is urgent: contact-c-k-careers